Boston Shines 2012!

Please join

Mayor Thomas M. Menino


Boston Shines 2012

the tenth annual

citywide neighborhood

clean up

Friday, April 27th

Saturday, April 28th

8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

To volunteer or

for more information, contact

the Mayor’s Office of

Neighborhood Services

at 617.635.3485

For information after working

 hours, call 617.635.4500 or

visit to register online

download PDF

Monthly Meeting of March 3, 2010

President Ben Garvin called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm.

Item 1Sean Curran, architect for 102-104 West Springfield St. renovation.

Sean Curran of Phoenix Design and Development presented a plan to renovate the building at 102-104 West Springfield Street.  The building has been vacant for approximately 15 -16 years.  The same family has owned the building for 80 years.

The owners are having the building restored to a single-family residence and intend to live there.  Mr. Curran presented several changes to the outside of the building, including putting windows in on the park side, the installation of a six foot, cantilevered deck at parlor level, and a “shed roof” similar to other buildings on the same block.

A second phase of the project includes beautifying an adjacent lot to the building.  Plans for the adjacent lot have not yet been developed and will be presented to CSANA at a later date.

CSANA approved a motion to support the changes presented.  A letter of support will be written provided to Mr. Curran.

Item 2. Report of installation of additional benches to the parks.

The contractor doing the Massachusetts Avenue reconstruction was asked to bid on the installation of the four remaining benches for the parks.  Their bid was much more competitive than previous bids.

The final issue has been the color of the bricks for the beds under the benches.  This week the Parks Department approved the brick color.  Hopefully, the benches will be installed this spring.

Item 3. Response to contract proposal by city.

After the last meeting, CSANA returned its comments on the City’s contract for maintaining the parks.  The City has not officially responded to CSANA’s comments.

Members of CSANA have contacted Mike Tierney who maintains the fountain at Boston Common.  He is going to look at the Chester Park fountains and provide an estimate for seasonal maintenance.

Item 4. Open Forum

Boston Shines is April 24, 2010.  CSANA will publicize to the neighborhood.

The owners from 507 Massachusetts Avenue attended the meeting to voice concern about the #1 bus stop being moved from the North side of Tremont to the South side on the southbound side.  The move positioned the bus in front of several residential buildings; it had previously been in front of a business.

The owners of 507 have contacted several different departments at the City and have not had much success voicing their concerns.  The Mayor’s representative at the meeting will have the Department of Transportation representative contact the owners.  Although the bus stop was moved as part of the overall Massachusetts Avenue reconstruction, there is a separate process to evaluate the #1 bus line in general.

James Grady has begun to redesign and update the CSANA website.  CSANA will discuss ideas at the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 pm.