Our Mission

To bring together all persons who live, work or own property within the boundaries of the association for the purpose of promoting neighborly interaction, sharing information and discussing common problems. Further, to promote the implementation of beneficial programs, alone, and in conjunction with other groups and government agencies, to promote the health, well-being, and security of the neighborhood. To conduct such other activities in furtherance of the charitable purpose as may be carried out by a corporation organized under M. G.L. ch. 180 and described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


All residents in the boundaries of the Chester Square Neighborhood Association (see bylaws) age 18 or older are eligible to vote at general meetings. All merchants operating within the association are eligible to vote at general meetings and to become members of the Board. Membership is limited to one representative per business. There is no membership fee to join.

2024 Officers

Carol Blair, President
Sara Mitchell, Vice President
Kelsey Schiller, Secretary
Teodor Georgiev, Treasurer
Alyssa Faria, Online Coordinator