Monthly Meeting May 5, 2010

Vice President David Gacioch called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm.

Item 1Review of Street Name procedures.

In order to change the name of the carriageways to Chester Square West/East or a similar name with new building numbers, 100% of the residents would have to agree.  As at least one resident objected to this change at the last meeting, this effort would likely be extremely difficult and perhaps fruitless.  However, a more informal change could be considered.

Item 2. Update on Shawmut bus stop.

It is unclear if anything has changed with the status of the Shawmut bus stop.  A bus stop sign is missing and cars have been seen parked there but it is not clear if the buses are still stopping there.

Item 3. Website design changes.

The website is now in a blog format.  It is much easier to use, maintain and there is also a Flickr page for photos.

It has been suggested that the website include neighborhood crime statistics, but the group thought that perhaps a link the to BPD website and their crime blog might be easier.  The issue will be revisited at the next meeting.

Item 4. Fundraising.

The group decided that we should concentrate on the Cru event for fundraising for now and delay a letter writing campaign until a little later in the year.  Ben Garvin (President) will finalize a date for the event and James Grady and Joe DiGangi have agreed to help with invitations.  We will also need to contact a neighborhood restaurant regarding additional food.

Item 5. Fountain contractor bids.

Another bid for contract maintenance is expected shortly.  The original bid for maintenance has been reduced to $4500.00.  The City has agreed to open and close the fountains but will need CSANA to maintain the fountains.  CSANA will continue to talk with the City to reach a cooperative maintenance solution.

Item 6. Park clean up.

CSANA would like to give a huge thank you everybody who worked to clean up the park on Boston Shines.  CSANA is hugely grateful for everyone’s efforts.  It is not clear that the even side of the park will require as much clean-up.

Additionally, Joe DiGangi has spoken to a landscaper who would be willing to help plan some additional plantings and work in the park.  James Grady will check with Alma Dell (head of the landscaping subcommittee) to discuss what clean up and planting needs the park still requires.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.

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